
Four Seasons Resort and Residences Caye Chapel Belize are not owned, developed or sold by Four Seasons Hotels Limited or its affiliates (Four Seasons). The developer, a company owned by Thor Urbana, GFA, and Inmobilia,uses the Four Seasons trademarks and tradenames under a license from Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts B.V. The marks “FOUR SEASONS,” “FOUR SEASONS HOTELS AND RESORTS,” any combination thereof and the Tree Design are registered trademarks of Four Seasons Hotels Limited in Canada and U.S.A. and of Four Seasons Hotels (Barbados) Ltd. elsewhere.

Floor plans, dimensions and other measurements are approximate and subject to change. All renderings and photos are conceptual. All amenities, features, finishes, furnishings, prices and facilities described herein are proposed based upon current development plans and are subject to change without notice. Developer makes no warranty or representation of the accuracy of the information contained herein. These materials are not intended to and shall not constitute an offer to sell nor a solicitation of offers to buy or lease real estate where prohibited by law.